What's New? [Jan 1953]

What's New?

Editors: James R. Nairn (1942-68), Dan Krendel (1968-71), Bud Barker (1972-74)

What's New? (1942-74) was the house organ for Famous Players Canadian Corporation, the nation’s largest chain of cinemas for 85 years from 1920 to 2005. The Manager was an early Famous Players’ house organ, launched by 1934 and edited by head of publicity, James R. Nairn, director of publicity for the company since 1930. James Nairn, was also head of publicity for Famous Players, renaming an earlier magazine following a major 1941 realignment of theatre ownership in Canada, with the creation of Odeon Theatres, a new national competitor. What’s New? was “issued in the interest of employees and associates coast to coast.” Dan Krendel became editor in 1968, after many years as district sales manager and editor of Ballyhoo (1952-61) local management newsletters. Bud Barker was then editor when Krendel left to take the helm of Canadian Film Digest (1971-76). With a move to new headquarters in the 1980s, What’s New? was replaced by a new magazine, Famous News (1981-91).

– Paul Moore, March 2024

Item Details
This scan made possible by:
Media History Digital Library, Greig Dymond in memory of David Dymond, Paul Moore and Jessica Whitehead
Metadata last updated 2024-08-01