Recent Additions

Recent Additions

The MHDL catalog currently includes 2,919,823 pages of digitized books and magazines from the histories of film, broadcasting, and recorded sound. That's quite a large number, and we hope to keep it continually growing! Check out this page to see items that have recently been added to the MHDL collections.

To determine which materials are available for digitization, we check the U.S. copyright status of all titles. We reviewed every copyright renewal for serials (magazines) published from 1923 to 1950, and for titles after those dates, we search the copyright records for the status of the major publications published from 1951 to 1963. The copyrights for nearly all of these media industry, fan and technical publications were not renewed, and those pre-1964 works are now in the public domain.

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Recent Items:

Title Creator Date
Hollywood Studio MagazineSan Fernando Valley Pub. Co.September 12, 1974Search on LanternClick here to read
Hollywood Studio MagazineSan Fernando Valley Pub. Co.October 1, 1973Search on LanternClick here to read
Hollywood Studio MagazineSan Fernando Valley Pub. Co.August 1, 1973Search on LanternClick here to read
Hollywood Studio MagazineSan Fernando Valley Pub. Co.June 1, 1973Search on LanternClick here to read
Hollywood Studio MagazineSan Fernando Valley Pub. Co.May 1, 1973Search on LanternClick here to read

Title Creator Date
Amateur Cine WorldLink House Publications, Ltd.January 12, 1962Search on LanternClick here to read
Amateur Cine WorldLink House Publications, Ltd.November 12, 1961Search on LanternClick here to read
Amateur Cine WorldLink House Publications, Ltd.February 12, 1935Search on LanternClick here to read
Amateur Cine WorldLink House Publications, Ltd.January 12, 1935Search on LanternClick here to read
Amateur Cine WorldLink House Publications, Ltd.December 12, 1934Search on LanternClick here to read

Title Creator Date
Coquette (United Artists Pressbook)United ArtistsJanuary 1, 1929Search on LanternClick here to read

Title Creator Date
Screen and Radio WeeklyDes Moines Register and Tribune SyndicateOctober 2, 1938Search on LanternClick here to read
Screen and Radio WeeklyDes Moines Register and Tribune SyndicateDecember 5, 1937Search on LanternClick here to read
Screen and Radio WeeklyDes Moines Register and Tribune SyndicateApril 26, 1936Search on LanternClick here to read
Screen and Radio WeeklyPhiladelphia RecordJuly 15, 1934Search on LanternClick here to read

Title Creator Date
Your Air Raid Warden (20th Century-Fox)20th Century-FoxJanuary 1, 1942Search on LanternClick here to read

Title Creator Date
Motion PlayGravure Service Corp.December 25, 1921Search on LanternClick here to read
Motion PlayGravure Service Corp.December 11, 1921Search on LanternClick here to read
Motion PlayGravure Service Corp.November 27, 1921Search on LanternClick here to read
Motion PlayGravure Service Corp.September 25, 1921Search on LanternClick here to read
Motion PlayNational Gravure CircuitNovember 7, 1920Search on LanternClick here to read

Title Creator Date
Le FilmPoirier, Bessette et CieJanuary 1, 1944Search on LanternClick here to read

Title Creator Date
Le Courrier du CinémaLe Courrier du Cinéma, LtéeFebruary 1, 1953Search on LanternClick here to read
Le Courrier du CinémaLe Courrier du Cinéma, LtéeMay 1, 1940Search on LanternClick here to read
Le Courrier du CinémaDavis & GarandMarch 1, 1937Search on LanternClick here to read