Captain George's Penny Dreadful [Jul 1, 1977]

Captain George's Penny Dreadful

Editor: Peter Harris (1969-82)

The Vast Whizzbang Organization combined the intense film nostalgia of George Henderson and Pete Harris, among others, operating out of Henderson’s Memory Lane bookshop, a comic collectors’ and movie memorabilia haven in Toronto. Harris issued a quarterly magazine, Captain George’s Whizzbang. The weekly newsletter Captain George’s Penny Dreadful (1969-1982) was dedicated to celebrating silent and classic movies. Subscribers reportedly included Stan Lee and Pierre Berton.

– Paul Moore, June 2024.

Item Details
This scan made possible by:
Media History Digital Library; Canadian Media Magazines Project; Conorr Norquay, Paul Moore and Jessica Whitehead
Metadata last updated 2024-06-12