Janus-Epidiaskop. Eine Quelle der Unterhaltung [circa 1910]

This brochure advertises the use of the epidiascope for home use. The epidiascope is a projection apparatus that can project opaque objects - such as picture postcards or little stones - on a screen by a system of light and mirrors. The brochure praises the apparatus as a "source of entertainment and education". At the end, a price list of several models and accessories is given. Ed. Liesegang, Düsseldorf, Germany, was one of the largest supplier of visual tools in education, such as lantern slides and magic lantern projectors. More information on the production of Ed. Liesegang is available at the Magic Lantern Web Resource Lucerna, http://slides.uni-trier.de/organisation/index.php?id=1001085. Note: the brochure is undated but estimated to have been published around 1910.

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Metadata last updated 2024-04-03