Close Up

As an active film magazine, CLOSE UP lasted only a short time, from 1927 to 1933. Yet the legacy of this English-language periodical, which was published in Switzerland, continues to matter. Edited by Bryher and her husband Kenneth Macpherson, CLOSE UP became THE magazine for energetic debates about the nature of cinema and manifestos imagining new forms of filmmaking and spectatorship. The magazine published articles by filmmakers, such as Sergei Eisenstein, and female literary modernists, such as H.D. and Gertrude Stein. As film scholar Anne Friedberg explains in the anthology CLOSE-UP, 1927-1933: CINEMA & MODERNISM, 'CLOSE UP became the model for a certain type of writing about film -- writing that was theoretically astute, politically incisive, critical of films that were simply 'entertainment.' For six and a half years, CLOSE UP maintained a forum for a broad variety of ideas about the cinema; it never advocated a single direction of development, but rather posed alternatives to existing modes of production, consumption, and film style.' Like Friedberg's own writing, CLOSE UP continues to be essential reading for anyone interested in the history of film and media theory. -- Eric Hoyt, 2014

Items in Collection

As an active film magazine, CLOSE UP lasted only a short time, from 1927 to 1933. Yet the legacy of this English-language periodical, which was published in Switzerland, continues to matter. Edited by Bryher and her husband Kenneth Macpherson, CLOSE UP became THE magazine for energetic debates about the nature of cinema and manifestos imagining new forms of filmmaking and spectatorship. The magazine published articles by filmmakers, such as Sergei Eisenstein, and female literary modernists, such as H.D. and Gertrude Stein. As film scholar Anne Friedberg explains in the anthology CLOSE-UP, 1927-1933: CINEMA & MODERNISM, 'CLOSE UP became the model for a certain type of writing about film -- writing that was theoretically astute, politically incisive, critical of films that were simply 'entertainment.' For six and a half years, CLOSE UP maintained a forum for a broad variety of ideas about the cinema; it never advocated a single direction of development, but rather posed alternatives to existing modes of production, consumption, and film style.' Like Friedberg's own writing, CLOSE UP continues to be essential reading for anyone interested in the history of film and media theory. -- Eric Hoyt, 2014
Title Creator Date
Close UpOct 1920 - Sep 1923Search on LanternClick here to read
Close UpOct 1920 - Aug 1923Search on LanternClick here to read
Close UpMacpherson, Kenneth, [from old catalog] edJan-Jun 1928Search on LanternClick here to read
Close UpMacpherson, Kenneth, [from old catalog] edJul-Dec 1930Search on LanternClick here to read
Close UpMacpherson, Kenneth, [from old catalog] edJan-Jun 1930Search on LanternClick here to read
Close UpMacpherson, Kenneth, [from old catalog] edJul-Dec 1929Search on LanternClick here to read
Close UpMacpherson, Kenneth, [from old catalog] edJan-Jun 1929Search on LanternClick here to read
Close UpMacpherson, Kenneth, [from old catalog] edMar-Dec 1933Search on LanternClick here to read
Close UpMacpherson, Kenneth, [from old catalog] edMar-Dec 1932Search on LanternClick here to read
Close UpMacpherson, Kenneth, [from old catalog] edMar-Dec 1931Search on LanternClick here to read
Close UpMacpherson, Kenneth, [from old catalog] edJul-Nov 1927Search on LanternClick here to read
Close UpMacpherson, Kenneth, [from old catalog] edJul-Dec 1928Search on LanternClick here to read

Title Creator Date
Close UpOct 1920 - Sep 1923Search on LanternClick here to read
Close UpOct 1920 - Aug 1923Search on LanternClick here to read

Title Creator Date
Close UpMacpherson, Kenneth, [from old catalog] edJan-Jun 1928Search on LanternClick here to read
Close UpMacpherson, Kenneth, [from old catalog] edJul-Dec 1930Search on LanternClick here to read
Close UpMacpherson, Kenneth, [from old catalog] edJan-Jun 1930Search on LanternClick here to read
Close UpMacpherson, Kenneth, [from old catalog] edJul-Dec 1929Search on LanternClick here to read
Close UpMacpherson, Kenneth, [from old catalog] edJan-Jun 1929Search on LanternClick here to read
Close UpMacpherson, Kenneth, [from old catalog] edMar-Dec 1933Search on LanternClick here to read
Close UpMacpherson, Kenneth, [from old catalog] edMar-Dec 1932Search on LanternClick here to read
Close UpMacpherson, Kenneth, [from old catalog] edMar-Dec 1931Search on LanternClick here to read
Close UpMacpherson, Kenneth, [from old catalog] edJul-Nov 1927Search on LanternClick here to read
Close UpMacpherson, Kenneth, [from old catalog] edJul-Dec 1928Search on LanternClick here to read

Title Creator Date
Close UpOct 1920 - Sep 1923Search on LanternClick here to read
Close UpOct 1920 - Aug 1923Search on LanternClick here to read

Title Creator Date
Close UpMacpherson, Kenneth, [from old catalog] edJan-Jun 1928Search on LanternClick here to read
Close UpMacpherson, Kenneth, [from old catalog] edJul-Dec 1930Search on LanternClick here to read
Close UpMacpherson, Kenneth, [from old catalog] edJan-Jun 1930Search on LanternClick here to read
Close UpMacpherson, Kenneth, [from old catalog] edJul-Dec 1929Search on LanternClick here to read
Close UpMacpherson, Kenneth, [from old catalog] edJan-Jun 1929Search on LanternClick here to read
Close UpMacpherson, Kenneth, [from old catalog] edMar-Dec 1933Search on LanternClick here to read
Close UpMacpherson, Kenneth, [from old catalog] edMar-Dec 1932Search on LanternClick here to read
Close UpMacpherson, Kenneth, [from old catalog] edMar-Dec 1931Search on LanternClick here to read
Close UpMacpherson, Kenneth, [from old catalog] edJul-Nov 1927Search on LanternClick here to read
Close UpMacpherson, Kenneth, [from old catalog] edJul-Dec 1928Search on LanternClick here to read
Title Creator Date
Close UpOct 1920 - Sep 1923Search on LanternClick here to read
Close UpOct 1920 - Aug 1923Search on LanternClick here to read
Close UpMacpherson, Kenneth, [from old catalog] edJan-Jun 1928Search on LanternClick here to read
Close UpMacpherson, Kenneth, [from old catalog] edJul-Dec 1930Search on LanternClick here to read
Close UpMacpherson, Kenneth, [from old catalog] edJan-Jun 1930Search on LanternClick here to read
Close UpMacpherson, Kenneth, [from old catalog] edJul-Dec 1929Search on LanternClick here to read
Close UpMacpherson, Kenneth, [from old catalog] edJan-Jun 1929Search on LanternClick here to read
Close UpMacpherson, Kenneth, [from old catalog] edMar-Dec 1933Search on LanternClick here to read
Close UpMacpherson, Kenneth, [from old catalog] edMar-Dec 1932Search on LanternClick here to read
Close UpMacpherson, Kenneth, [from old catalog] edMar-Dec 1931Search on LanternClick here to read
Close UpMacpherson, Kenneth, [from old catalog] edJul-Nov 1927Search on LanternClick here to read
Close UpMacpherson, Kenneth, [from old catalog] edJul-Dec 1928Search on LanternClick here to read