Amateur Movie Makers

Amateur Movie Makers Issues

Movie Makers, the official publication of the Amateur Cinema League, documented and championed home movies and production by local film clubs. During 27 years of publication, Movie Makers provided extensive coverage of the growth of 16mm, the availability of Hollywood films to the home, filmmaking style, amateur production, and color cinematography. -- David Pierce, 2013

Items in Collection

Movie Makers, the official publication of the Amateur Cinema League, documented and championed home movies and production by local film clubs. During 27 years of publication, Movie Makers provided extensive coverage of the growth of 16mm, the availability of Hollywood films to the home, filmmaking style, amateur production, and color cinematography. -- David Pierce, 2013
Title Creator Date
Amateur Movie MakersAmateur Cinema LeagueDec 1926-Dec 1927Search on LanternClick here to read

Title Creator Date
Amateur Movie MakersAmateur Cinema LeagueDec 1926-Dec 1927Search on LanternClick here to read

Title Creator Date
Amateur Movie MakersAmateur Cinema LeagueDec 1926-Dec 1927Search on LanternClick here to read
Title Creator Date
Amateur Movie MakersAmateur Cinema LeagueDec 1926-Dec 1927Search on LanternClick here to read*%3A*&rows=1&sort=dateStart%20ASC*%3A*&rows=2&sort=dateStart%20ASC